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  • Antiepileptic Drug Trials
  • Antiepileptic Side Effects
  • Investigations
  • Results


We would like to greatfully acknowledge the organizations that provided funding for this project:


Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Roberts JI, Hrazdil C, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Vautour M, Wiebe N and Jetté N.  Neurologists’ knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy surgery: A national survey. Neurology 2015; 84(2):159-66.


  1. Roberts JI, Hrazdil C, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Hanson A, Federico P, Pillay N, Murphy W, Vautour M and Jetté N. Feasibility of using an online tool to assess appropriateness for an epilepsy surgery evaluation.  Neurology 2014; 83(10):913-9.
  2. Jetté N, Reid A and Wiebe S.  Surgical management of epilepsy.  CMAJ 2014; 186 (13):  997-1004.


  1. Hrazdil C, Roberts J, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Vautour M, Hanson A, Murphy W, Pillay N, Federico P and Jetté N.  Patient perceptions and barriers to epilepsy surgery: Evaluation in a large health region. Epilepsy and Behav 2013 Jul;28(1):52-65.
  2. Jetté N, Quan H, Tellez-Zenteno J, Hader W and Wiebe S.  Development of an online tool to determine appropriateness for an epilepsy surgery evaluation.  Author Response.  Neurology 2013 June;80(23):2169.
  3. Hader W, Tellez-Zenteno J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Wiebe S, Kwon CS and Jetté N.  Complications after temporal or extra-temporal epilepsy surgery – a systematic review.  Epilepsia 2013 May;54(5):840-847.
  4. Josephson C, Dykeman J, Fiest KM, Liu X, Sadler M, Jetté N and Wiebe S.  Systematic review and meta-analysis of standard versus selective temporal lobe epilepsy surgery.  Neurology 2013 April;80(18):1669-1676.
  5. Jetté N and Wiebe S.  Update on the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Curr Opin Neurol 2013 Apr;26(2):201-207.
  6. Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Pharmacoresistance and the role of surgery in difficult to treat epilepsy.  Nature Rev Neurol 2012 Nov 13;8(12)669-677.
  7. Jetté N, Quan H, Tellez-Zenteno J, Macrodimitris S, Hader WJ, Sherman EMS, Hamiwka LD, Wirrell EC, Burneo JG, Metcalfe A, Faris PD, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Kwon CS, Kirk A, Wiebe S and the CASES expert panellists.  Development of an online tool to determine appropriateness for an epilepsy surgery evaluation. Neurology 2012 Sept 11;79(11):1084-1093.
  8. Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Epilepsy surgery utilization: Who, when, where and why?  Curr Opin Neurol 2012 Apr;25(2):187-93. 


  1. Hamiwka L, Macrodimitris S, Tellez-Zenteno J, Metcalfe A, Wiebe S, Kwon CS and Jetté N.  Social outcomes after temporal or extra-temporal epilepsy surgery: A systematic review Epilepsia 2011 May; 52(5): 870-879.
  2. Macrodimitris S, Sherman EMS, Forde S, Tellez-Zenteno J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Psychiatric outcomes of epilepsy surgery: A systematic review. Epilepsia 2011 May; 52(5): 880-890.
  3. Sherman EMS, Wiebe S, Fay TB, Tellez-Zenteno J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Hader WJ and Jetté N.  Neuropsychological outcomes after epilepsy surgery: Systematic review and pooled estimates of cognitive change. Epilepsia 2011 May, 52(5): 857-869.


Books, chapters, contributions

  1. Wiebe S and Jetté N. Issues of medical intractability for surgical candidacy. Book chapter for Wyllie’s Treatment of Epilepsy, 6e, Editor E. Wyllie, B. Gidal, H. Goodkin, J. Siren and T. Loddenkemper. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2014 (in press).



  1. Hrazdil C, Roberts JI, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Federico P, Hanson A, Pillay N, Murphy W and Jette N.  Feasibility of using an online tool to assess appropriateness for an epilepsy surgery evaluation. European Congress on Epileptology (Stockholm, Sweden) July 2014 (poster presentation).


  1. Sauro K, Holroyd-Leduc J, Armson H, Cooke L, Cross H, DeGrood J, Mathern G, Stromer J, Quan H, Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Usability testing of the CASES tool (www.epilepsycases.com) – an online tool to assist physicians in identifying patients who are candidates for an epilepsy surgery evaluation.  International Epilepsy Congress (Montreal, Quebec) June 2013 (poster presentation).


  1. Hrazdil CT, Roberts JI, Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Neurologists’ knowledge and attitudes towards epilepsy surgery: A Canadian survey.  American Epilepsy Society (San Diego, CA) December 2012 (poster presentation).
  2. Wiebe N, Fiest KM, Dykeman J, Liu XR, Jetté N and Wiebe S.  Satisfaction with epilepsy care: A systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society (San Diego, CA) December 2012 (poster presentation).
  3. Josephson CB, Dykeman J, Fiest KM, Liu XR, Sadler RM, Jetté N and Wiebe S.  Seizure freedom following standard anterior temporal lobectomy compared to selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  American Epilepsy Society (San Diego, CA) December 2012 (poster presentation).
  4. Hrazdil C, Roberts J, Wiebe S, Busche K, Federico P, Hanson A, Murphy W, Pillay N and Jetté N.  How many patients are appropriate for an epilepsy surgery referral in neurological practices?  Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation Meeting (Ottawa, Canada) June 2012 (platform presentation, in press).
  5. Hrazdil C, Roberts J, Wiebe S, Busche K, Federico P, Hanson A, Murphy W, Pillay N and Jetté N.  Patient barriers to epilepsy surgery evaluation in a large health region.  Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation Meeting (Ottawa, Canada) June 2012 (platform presentation, in press).


  1. Jetté N, Tellez-Zenteno J, Hader W, Macrodimitris S, Hamiwka L, Wirrell E, Quan H, Sherman E, Burneo J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Wiebe S and the CASES Expert Panelists.  Epilepsy: When to think surgery?  Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation Meeting, Quebec City, June 2010 (platform presentation).
  2. Jetté N, Tellez-Zenteno J, Hader W, Macrodimitris S, Hamiwka L, Wirrell E, Quan H, Sherman E, Burneo J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Kwon C, Andermann F, Camfield P, Carmant L, Davenport J, Farmer JP, Gross D, Huntsman R, Sadler M, Snead OC, Steven D, Wheatley M and Wiebe S.  Epilepsy: When to think surgery?  American Academy of Neurology Meeting, Toronto, April 2010.  Neurology 74;9(suppl.2):A108-A108. (platform presentation).


  1. Jetté N, Tellez-Zenteno J, Hader W, Macrodimitris S, Hamiwka L, Wirrell E, Quan H, Sherman E, Burneo J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Kwon C, Andermann F, Camfield P, Carmant L, Davenport J, Farmer JP, Gross D, Huntsman R, Sadler M, Snead OC, Steven D, Wheatley M and Wiebe S.  Who should be referred for an epilepsy surgery evaluation? Development of an appropriateness and necessity rating tool.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):452-453 (platform presentation).
  2. Hader W, Tellez-Zenteno J, Wiebe S, Kwon C and Jetté N.  Complications after temporal or extra-temporal epilepsy surgery – a systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):457-457 (poster presentation).
  3. Kwon CS, Hamiwka L, Macrodimitris S, Tellez-Zenteno, Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Social outcomes after temporal or extra-temporal epilepsy surgery: a systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.   Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):458-458 (poster presentation).
  4. Dhaliwal H, Macrodimitris S, Wiebe S, Tellez-Zenteno, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, and Jetté N.  Quality-of-life outcome after temporal or extra-temporal epilepsy surgery – a systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):454-455 (poster presentation).
  5. Macrodimitris S, Sherman E, Tellez-Zenteno J, Wiebe S, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Jetté N.  Psychiatric outcomes after epilepsy surgery: a systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):238-238 (poster presentation).
  6. Sherman E, Fay TB, Tellez-Zenteno J, Wiebe S and Jetté N.  Neuropsychological outcomes after epilepsy surgery: a systematic review.  American Epilepsy Society, Boston, December 2009.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 11):295-296 (poster presentation).
  7. Burneo JG, Tellez-Zenteno J, Jetté N for the CASES (Canadian Appropriateness Study for Epilepsy Surgery) study.  Seizure outcome after resective epilepsy surgery: A systematic review.  International Congress of Epilepsy for June 2009 Meeting in Budapest, Hungary.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 10):14-15 (platform presentation).
  8. Tellez-Zenteno J, Hamiwka L and Jetté N.  AED outcomes after resective epilepsy surgery: A systematic review.  International Congress of Epilepsy for June 2009 Meeting in Budapest, Hungary.  Epilepsia 2009;50 (Suppl. 10):14-14 (platform presentation).


  1. Jetté N, Kwon C, Tellez-Zenteno J, Metcalfe A, Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Hader W, Wiebe S.  "Who is the best candidate for resective epilepsy surgery? A systematic review of the best available evidence." American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Seattle, WA, Dec 2008.  Epilepsia 49(Suppl. 7): 280-281 (poster presentation).